Setup camera and such
From Kandos Digital Embassy
Revision as of 07:52, 2 April 2015 by (Talk)
Connect to server
= Set up general
- change host name = basestation-01, edit in /etc/hosts, and /etc/hostname then "sudo /etc/init.d/"
- eth0 connect inet DHCP
= Temp/Humidity Sensor
- get pigpio library, install.
cd ~ wget unzip cd PIGPIO make make install
- get dht22 example
- set up pigpiod at boot
- if using DHT11 the set up different file for DHT11! here is replacement to modify call to include (true) for DHT11)
- make sensor script file and change chmod 755 for executable
#!/usr/bin/python # get basestation import sys import time id = str(sys.argv[1]) # set up pi and sensors import os import urllib os.chdir('pigpio_dht22') import pigpio pi = pigpio.pi() import DHT22 s = DHT22.sensor(pi, 4) # get data s.trigger() time.sleep(1) print('{:3.2f}'.format(s.temperature() / 1.)) print('{:3.2f}'.format(s.humidity() / 1.)) # send data, (download results to nowhere) urllib.urlretrieve("http://digitalembassy.mesh/data/sensors/logData.php?basestation="+id+"&type=temp&value="+('%.2f' % s.temperature()), filename="/dev/null") time.sleep(1) urllib.urlretrieve("http://digitalembassy.mesh/data/sensors/logData.php?basestation="+id+"&type=humidity&value="+('%.2f' % s.humidity()), filename="/dev/null") # close #s.cancel() #pi.stop() #exit()
- set up crontab -e
crontab -e * * * * * /home/pi/ 1 >> /home/pi/cron_out.log sudo service cron restart
Camera sending image to Server
- install sshpass
sudo apt-get install sshpass
- add cron command to take image and upload to server
*/5 * * * * raspistill -o ~/image.jpg && sshpass -p '<password>' scp ~/image.jpg pi@digitalembassy.mesh:/var/www/data/sensors/images/1.jpg
- restart cron "sudo service cron restart"